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New Moon in Aquarius 2024: Re-Weirdening

Writer's picture: Jana BarrettJana Barrett

On Febuary 9, 2024, at 3:58pm MT, the New Moon greets us at 20°40 Aquarius. Co--ruled by Saturn at 7°29 Pisces and Uranus at 19°10 Aquarius, this lunation invites us to lean into (safe) spontaneity and embrace any sudden insights that arrive as the Sun and Moon square off with Uranus. Your spidey senses might be tingling. And they're probably worth listening to.

Below, I'll give you an intro to the main players in this New Moon chart, and we'll end with our usual three-card tarot spread to help you root into the themes of this lunation.

New Moon in Aquarius 2023 Event Chart
New Moon in Aquarius chart, provided by

The Sun, The Moon, and Uranus

When the Sun and Moon meet at the same degree in the sky, we get a New Moon — the beginning of a lunar cycle. New Moons are generally the time for intention-setting and seed-planting. The magically inclined will often speak their dreams into the ether and ask for support from the unseen in realizing them. It's a beautiful practice. But one thing we often forget about is the follow-through. Checking back in on the next Full Moon in two weeks, and the corresponding Full Moon in six months, helps us track our progress and recommit to or revise our vision.

This feels important to mention on this particular New Moon. Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, is squaring both the Sun and Moon, infusing this cycle with a lightning-bolt surge of energy and setting us up for an extra weird (and potentially impulsive) time. You may get quick downloads about the future that would be worth writing down and returning to. Or you might feel a strong urge to take action that you're not yet ready to take — but that you will be ready to take down the line.

You can listen to your impulses without acting on them immediately. So try taking a beat or sleeping on any big decisions, especially if they're potentially costly. This is a better time to open up to insight without grasping too tightly to any one direction, especially since you're likely to feel a bit distracted and jittery at various points throughout the day and in the 24 hours leading up to this New Moon. Uranus can bring frenetic anxiety and a sense of urgency to the collective field, driving us toward choices that may feel right in the moment but ultimately get us in a pinch. Pause. Breathe. Boogie. Repeat. And if you do feel viscerally called to take action, just make sure the moves you make are in line with your values.

Venus Trine Uranus and Sextile Neptune

That last bit — values — is in focus this week too, with Venus in Capricorn forming a supportive trine to Uranus in Taurus and a sweet sextile to Neptune in Pisces. When the Venus-Uranus trine perfected yesterday, I spontaneously decided to announce to the internet that I was moving to them/them pronouns. I was also tempted to redesign my whole Instagram grid to better suit my vision for my business. Both were and are authentic to me, and had been simmering in the back of my brain for a while. But I had no prior plans to go live. It just happened. Suddenly. And it was right.

You might experience similar ahas under these transits. There's a higher call at play here — a soul urge, and maybe a nudge from your guides. It could be related to Venusian themes of love, connection, gender, beauty, money, and more. So, again, pay attention to what comes up. And if a choice does feels authentic and grounded to you after a little consideration, it's possible you're getting the green light after all.

Jupiter Square Mercury and Sextile Saturn

Finally, the last big conversations happening in the sky during this New Moon are between Jupiter, Mercury, and Saturn (the traditional ruler of this New Moon). Jupiter in Taurus is forming a square to Mercury in Aquarius and a sextile to Saturn in Pisces. Both feel... pretty lovely. The Jupiter-Mercury square adds a flavor of visionary potential to this week. Big ideas abound, and there's potential to root them in something real with the help of our Saturn sextile.

Jupiter in Taurus loves to dream of delicious potential, and Mercury in Aquarius is ready to start building the systems to make it possible. Meanwhile, Saturn in Pisces opens us up to the generative potential of our imagination when engage with it intentionally. To me, this feels like a week for future visioning. If you're into actual vision boards, by all means. If you're into simply imagining a future date on the calendar and then time-hopping there imaginatively, that's cool too. Use whatever creative tools feel right for you. And allow the Uranian impulses that arise to fuel you in your pursuit of what you desire.


Three Discounted Offers for Love Month

Before we get into our tarot reading, I want to call out a few offers I'm running this February in honor of Love Month. (As a Venus in Pisces, I prefer to celebrate love all month long.)

First: Through 2/29, you can take 20% off all live readings with me — astrology, tarot, and Akashic Records. Book anytime in February using code LOVEMONTH to apply your discount. (You're welcome to book a reading for someone else too. Please just be sure to get their OK before doing so.)

Second: I'm offering discounted “flash” love readings from February 9 - 14. For $14 per question, you'll get an audio tarot reading within 72 hours. You can purchase yours here starting midnight on Friday, February 9.

Third: I'm offering 20% off my Planetary Days workshop. Through February 29, you can use code LOVEMONTH to take 20% off the price ($22) and get this 2.5-hour workshop for just $17.60. It's jam-packed with tips and best practices for planning your schedule with the planets, and based on your own natal chart.


Your New Moon in Aquarius Tarot Reading

Every new and full moon, I ask three questions: What is the anchor? What is the challenge? What is the gift? Below, you can see the tarot's answers, channeled with the help of my guides.

Three tarot cards on a wooden surface
Tarot cards from the Star Spinner Tarot by Trungles

The Anchor: Queen of Wands (Reversed)

Sensitivity around our creative gifts might be heightened throughout this moon cycle. (I pulled this card in our week-ahead tarotscope too, which feels like added confirmation.) If you're feeling discouraged, humiliated, or insecure, know that this tenderness is meant to show you something about your self-image. Is it possible you've internalized the voice of someone who had a vested interest in keeping you small? Try extending compassion to the part of yourself that believes you have to be perfected to be loved and accepted. And when you feel the urge to shut down and back away from your gifts, try forging on instead.

The Challenge: The Hierophant (Reversed)

This card is the embodiment of Uranus in Taurus squaring the Sun and Moon. The Hierophant is connected to Taurus, and when reversed, it's often a call to disrupt tradition — to turn something on its head that isn't working. That might mean speaking up for a cause, advocating for yourself, or rejecting an old way of operating that feels stale and outdated. The call to revolution is potent collectively. It might be potent within you too. Remember that when we embrace our inner calls for disruption and change, we're better prepared to answer the global call too. Fighting with your wallet is perhaps the most Uranus in Taurus way you can do this. If you aren't already, consider boycotting brands that are profiting from Israel's crimes against humanity.

The Gift: The Chariot

A card of preparation and movement, The Chariot asks us to check in before we lurch forward. It feels like an echo of my Uranian message above. We're preparing to take aligned action. We're finding inspiration. And we're gifted with unique perspective on this New Moon that helps us see the forest and the trees. If you get an incredible idea, start jotting it down and building on it. There's movement and momentum available to us this week. So while some impulsivity is best questioned, there is also a resounding call to seize the moment if everything in you is saying yes.


Have a beautiful Aquarius New Moon

I feel excited having written this. And I want to know: What's churning inside you and nudging you to move? Drop your feels in the comments below, or shoot me an email. I have a feeling many beautiful ideas will be born this week. Just don't doubt yourself.

If you're interested in exploring the personal themes that are coming up for you, you can book a live tarot reading or purchase a recorded reading (under Recorded Readings). I'd love to help you navigate the moment and discover the personal meaning of this lunation.


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